YouTube video “Residential Heating Oil Delivery” uses a professional heating oil supplier to record the procedures heating oil suppliers follow throughout the heating oil delivery process. To ensure the delivery process is safe and successful, the primary thing you need to do is ensure that the truck is in the right position. Check that the truck is well parked and the safety brake is activated. Switch on the truck’s pump.

The pump needs to be located beneath the truck and attached to it by a 150-foot long hose which has a nozzle at its endthat connects to the house fitting while filling. To determine the amount of tanks are in use, a mechanical meter must be connected directly to the pump. In order to transfer fuel to the tank, levers are required. The pump has to be filled with the fill that comes from the home. This will allow for an easy transfer of heating oil.

After the pump has been properly aligned to the fill line on the building, it’s moved up so that the water flow through the home. A whistling sound will usually be heard during the oil filling. The whistling sound continues to be heard throughout the filling process has been completed. The whistling sounds stop when the filling process has finished. Now the hose can be put back into the truck.
