Search engines are such a ubiquitous part of many peoples lives that they would not know what to do without the valuable services they provide. Over half of all consumers begin their product searches with a search engine. People are searching for more things in more ways than ever before, but not many people may realize how humble to beginnings of search engines were.
Google, a search engine that is so popular it is not only a company but also a commonly used part of the modern nomenclature. Google started as a garage project, with a LEGO brick tower holding the ten 4 gig hard drives that were testing the PageRank algorithm. PageRank is named for one of those garage tinkerers, Larry Page, Google co founder.
The internet and search engines saw first one boom, and are now experiencing another. With the advent and proliferation of high speed data available on mobile devices. Now, nearly half of mobile device users use search engines and mobile websites to look up products, find reviews and compare prices. Mobile devices have allowed people out on the town to find a well reviewed restaurant close to them offering whatever they may be craving.
Many companies have seen the usefulness of search engines and many vie for the top search engine rankings. Companies that are looking for a high page rank use tools referred to as SEO or search engine optimization. SEO uses a variety of tools to increase the spot on the page their website gets when a user searches for keywords they are concerned with.
Search engines are used globally and locally, they are used as dictionaries, phone books and research aids for just about any subject in any language. Search engines provide users with entertainment, information and a general portal to the myriad of webpages available online today.
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