If you suffer from hair loss or have a risk of losing their hair, may be able to receive hair transplants. For many people, hair disappearance is caused due to a hormone known as DHT. When a person begins to old age, DHT levels be increased. Hair transplants can be extremely helpful in combating this. Hair can continue to grow for a long time by moving it to the back of the head towards the front. Surgeons can assess the hair loss issue and they’ll go on to find out where you want the hair to go. Follicle hair extensions (also known as FUE) can be used to remove the hair root from the surrounding skin. The hair is removed from the skin area and placed somewhere else. For the purpose of encouraging hair growth they are placed individually. The procedure takes place with local anesthesia. It allows patients to rest and unwind. The procedure does not leave scarring and will heal eventually. After one to three months, hair should begin to grow again in healthy ways. If you’re interested in learning more take a look at the remainder of this video.