Archives: January 31, 2022

What Are the Main Health Concerns of School Age Children?


When asked about the top health issues for school-age children Common illnesses like coughs, colds and ear diseases are certain to pop up. Most common signs include a runny nose, sneezing and cough. It’s communicable, and it can pass from one person to another. The most commonly used treatments are Advil as well as Tylenol Both of them are extremely effective in alleviating symptoms.

Coughs are often associated with colds. Coughs help clear the body’s airways after being constricted by a cold. Provide your child with cough syrups or tablets based on the severity and age of their coughs. It is an alarm sign if it occurs alongside other conditions like fever and breathing problems. This is because the cause may be serious pulmonary illnesses like asthma and chest infection.

Oar infections are usually diagnosed within a few hours of coughs or colds. This is generally due to a virus or a bacteria during middle age. It is usually triggered by common illness which result in throat congestion and nasal passages including allergies, cold, or flu. Acute ear infections can lead to headache and fever. The most effective treatments for the treatment of ear infections is ibuprofen or paracetamol. Before giving any drug to your child, you must consult your physician. Beware of giving children medicines that are available over the counter.

8. Obesity

Obesity ranks last in the chain of the top health problems of young children in the school age. Between the age of 6-11 and 12-19 the rates of children who are obese attending school is 18.45 percentage and 20.6 percentage respectively.

Obesity may be due to genetics, eating too much and inactivity. It can also be caused by the condition of insulin resistance, Cushing syndrome and medication. The effects of obesity in childhood are numerous that could result in Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and bone and joint problems. Childhood obesity can lead to being obese in their adulthood.

Obesity can be prevented and treated by managing weight. A healthy child requires strong immunity.


Tips for Maintaining Your Garage Door – Insurance Claim Process

But we know that this isn’t always true. Some garage doors are plagued by problems which require homeowners to request garage door sales and repairs. They are among the most prevalent problems associated with garage doors.
Broken Springs

The door springs break sometimes and cause garage doors to not be able to open. Spring service for garage doors is often required when this occurs.

Sensor problems

Another reason to call garage door repair is due to a sensor issue. An ineffective sensor can result in the garage door to not be open at the time you want it to. The problem could need a tech to fix it.

Remote Control Isn’t Working

Sometimes, the remote does not perform as expected. It is a blessing when it is only the remote. If your remote isn’t working, the problem can be addressed through the garage door’s operator. It is possible to need your garage door serviced by a specialist.

Make sure you read the reviews and investigate potential firms thoroughly before you put your faith in them for garage door repair to you. Find the most reliable garage door repair service to suit your needs if you spend your time.
